Sunday, July 11, 2010

Day 56 – Koidern River to Tok, AK

Historical Mile Post 1314

Today’s Mileage 159
Miles to Date 5116
Miles Remaining 4516

We finally crossed the Yukon / Alaskan Border into Alaska today.


It rained very heavily all last night and continued, somewhat lighter, today. There was even lighting and thunder last night. At one point I wondered if the Koidern River might rise enough to flood the campground or if ground would be too soft to leave the campground and get back onto the highway. When morning came, the river was still in its banks but higher and the campground road was firm enough to drive on.

It was very slow to the border has the highway was rutted and full of frost heaves. The 60IMG_0439 mph highway that the U.S. is maintaining in the northern part of the Yukon was 25 mph at best. Once across the border, the highway was not any better. It did not improve until about 20 miles from Tok. The Canadians have improved the Alcan Highway quite a bit from five years ago and even have widen it. The Canadian maintained part is 65 mph plus. The U.S. maintained section has deteriorated badly and is still on the narrow side.

U.S. Customs have not improved any either. They are still arrogant and rude. On this trip to date we have crossed into the U.S. from Canada three times, at Skagway, Haines and the Alcan Highway, not one of the officers have said “Welcome to the U.S.” or any other kind words. The Canadian Custom Officers have been very polite, and Welcome us to Canada and said “Enjoy your stay in Canada”.


We will be spending the next few days in Tok and surrounding areas so more on Tok in the coming days.


Today’s high in Tok so far is 54 F. The temperature for most of today’s drive hovered around 48 F.

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