Saturday, July 17, 2010

Day 62 – Wrangell Mountains & Liberty Falls

Before I forget again, I need to bring everyone up-to-date on the cinnamon bun first place holder. While the Chicken, AK cinnamon bun was quite good, we can only move it to first place. The Village Bakery at Haines Junction is still the first place holder.

This morning was spent figuring out how to restore the jack in the H3, recalibrating the H3 built in tire monitoring system and getting the tire repaired. The latter was a little tricky. The tire repair shop at Kenny Lake is a one man shop in back of the Mercantile Store and his hours are 8 to 5 Monday through Friday and today is Saturday. The day was saved as the Kenny Community is having a yard sale in the field behind the Mercantile Store and the tire repairman and his family have a table of items for sale. He graciously open his shop and repaired the tire with an inside patch for $15.00.

This got us to lunch time so I cooked up some cheeseburgers.

The sun was out so it was down the road to see if the Wrangell Mountains were in the clear. Due to the huge ice field, the mountains make their own weather. Although the whole sky was clear, there were still clouds at the mountain peaks but at least one could see a small section of the massive ice field in one section of the range.



Keep in mind that this is just a small portion of the ice field


From the same vantage point, one has a good field of the Copper River

Also there is no shortages of waterfalls in Alaska


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