Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Day 36 – Yellowknife Summer Solstice and National Aboriginal Day


Today is both Summer Solstice and National Aboriginal Day here in Yellowknife. The morning is cloudy with on and off showers so we tried to sleep in but the usual kids on ATVs running on the gravel mounds by the showers woke us up. So it was rise and shine, take Mik for his morning walk and some cleaning chores in the motor home.

Around 11:00 we took a drive on NWT Highway 4 pass the two closed gold mines and across the Yellowknife River. We then return to Yellowknife’s downtown park and enjoyed the free fish fry and entertainment.

Next it was back to the Yellowknife River to attend the National Aboriginal Day celebration. One of the native customs on National Aboriginal Day is “sharing”. The Dene people bought fish, caribou meat and bannock (a native biscuit) to share with all the attendees. The fish were uncooked and whole, one needed to clean and cook their own fish on a large open grill. The caribou meat was hind and front whole quarters. You cut the meat from the quarter and cooked it on the same grill.

A good time was had by all.

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