Saturday, August 14, 2010

Day 90 – Destruction Bay, Yukon to Whitehorse Yukon

Today’s Mileage 167
Miles to Date 6775
Miles remaining to home 3249

In memory of Charlie who kept the Alfa Coaches in top condition.

I forgot to mention that the other night in Tok was 32 degrees F. Fall is here in the north and the colors are changing.

Our route today took us from Kluane Lake’s Destruction Bay, around the southern tip of the lake and then on to Haines Junction and to Whitehorse.

Fall Colors – Southern Tip of Kluane Lake

At last a sunny day – South Beach Kluane Lake

Kluane Lake is Yukon’s largest lake.

Massive Sheep Mountain, now called Tachal Dhal

Tachal Dhal is home to Dall Sheep. In the summer, the sheep feed high up on the mountain. The winter months brings them down to the valley floor and they are often seen feeding by the roadside.

We will spend two nights in Whitehorse before continuing our journey home.

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